Friday, August 29, 2008

he said, she said.

i've been wondering, am i selfish?

is it wrong feeling suffocated when people sorta expect me to spend more time with them when i feel like i would love to have my own personal time?

or am i just being plain selfish and inconsiderate?

some people would make a big deal out of it.

all i want is some personal time.

sigh. i feel so bad.

i'm a witch.


if online also wrong, i dunno wad to say adee.

life is not a fairy tale.

i'm just a simple practical girl.

not your typical girl who's hoping for a prince.


these days, i'm :



oh book, book where art thou, book?

i need to grab couple of books and lock myself in a room.
ahhhhh ...bliss.

don't get me wrong people.
i love you people.

maybe i am just having some pms/mood swing.

or tired.

i'm sorry if i ever, EVER upset you people, k?

yours truly,

Monday, August 18, 2008

because i'm a girl.

oh dear, classes starts today.
another crazy semester.


i love rainy days.

i love walking under the rain.

'cos ... by walking under the rain,

noone can see me crying.

on the outside ...
all they see is happy.

so .. let me put on the poker face a little longer.


Friday, August 8, 2008

kau pelangi dihati ini.

"oh teman tak pernah ku lupa,
persahabatan kita,
oh kawan ingin ku bertanya
masihkan kau setia,
kerna kau pelangi cahaya di hati
selepas hujan turun...ohh
kerna kau pelangi di hati ini
selama ini...
ohh..kau pelangi
oh..selama ini
oh..kau pelangi...kau pelangi..
oh..selama ini....

bertahun berlalu tanpa diri mu
masihkah kau ragu
semuanya berubah kini ketemu
apakah daya ku
kerna kau pelangi cahaya di hati
selepas hujan turun..oh
kerna kau pelangi di hati ini
selama ini...
ohh...kau pelangi
ohh..selama ini
ohh...kau pelangi cahaya di hati
selepas hujan turun..ohh
kerna kau pelangi di hati ini
selama ini....."

::izzy mohamed - pelangi::

this song is uber addictive ... and it makes me teary. i love this song to bits.

sighhhhh ..
lets just say that this holiday sorta lifeless.
books, cuppa hot choco and sofa.
online - msning & mangaing.

seriously, not in the mood to get out of my comforting cave.
and then ...
many things hit me ..real hard.
many many things.
im a happy girl, really.
but i dunno ... i feel like i've been walking in a circle.
round and round and round it goes.
tears feep flowing down ...neverending.
im gonna get dehydration soon. lol

mistakes ... i've realized it but somehow i tend to repeat it again.
i've learned but again, i repeat it.
why so? im wondering.
if i were to ask for forgiveness for each repeated mistakes, i think He would be very upset and malas nak layan me adee.

lovely, this blog is like turning emo again.
but heck, is my blog neways.

but peeps, don't be confuse. i am seriously a happy girl. ^^
is just ... i tend to think a lot at times. when i'm, alone especially.

a song for me,

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

call me Princess, thank you very much. :)

this post inspired by kon-kon.
as we were chatting in msn, he said "hmmmm, i just thought about something last night, you're like living a reverse-harlem anime drama."

truthfully, i ain't that pretty or some girl that pop-out from FHM.
but to me, it's personality that counts.
perhaps, little did i know, my personality actually attracts these people.
oh, grow up. stop snickering, laugh or snort, you people.


i'm no angel but i do love making people enjoy my company when i'm with them.
hence, i'm unpredictable and mad.
full of madness, sakainess and oh yeah, i'm cheeky.

and oh, these people(read:guys) actually made me realized a few stuff 'bout people and life.
hoho sounded deep but yeah, i think i actually use my brain to think a while instead of oozing around the house. hell yeah, im the pro oozer here. and i'm sure somebody would happily second that sentence. XD

i would like to say im glad i've bumped into these people that ...emmm ...:

>> saved me from my confused self and overcome my tainted past.
>> shows me maturity and to talk using my brains instead of boobs.

>>made me realized that everyone deserve a second chance and not being judgemental.

>>reminded me that long distance relationship needed full commitment and trust.
>>reminded me that guys are also human and yes, they're also emotionally weak at times./pats i'm here, aight. xoxo

p/s: and i think, kon kon ... true, i memang live in reverse-harlem world. LOL
alahhhhh you also enjoy my madness whenever we hang out la. donk.

i'm a happy girl.


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Funeral for a friend.

seriously, i just don't get it.
she always contradict her words and when she knows that she's wrong ...
she'll start saying hurtful words.

she is the one that kononnya encourage sharing problems and talk to her when i'm having confusion or whatsoever.
but when i did have such situations, there she goes ... blames, calling me names, shoot me with MK-16 and gave me the i-told-you-so look.
and oh, favourite bullet - relate my not-related matters to my faith & beliefs.

sometimes i do wonder, why do i even bother to please her?

im out of ideas.
im so worned out.
im numb.
and heck, i don;t freaking bother anymore.

okays, done ranting.
hey,hi. byes.

dilemma dotter,